13 March 2009

ha ha

so, you know how when you comment on someone's blog, (something i try to do often in hopes it will encourage people to comment on my blog)... well, i digress. i just commented on my friend, johanna's blog, and the word verification- vagibox. am i the only one that thinks this is funny? it totally made me think of the snl skit with jt and andy samberg- d in a box!! speaking of a d in a box, ben still has his from our awesome friend, brian lunt. i am so sitting here giggling!


Jen said...

That is a funny verification. But, I'm confused about the "D in a box". Brian actually gave one to Ben?? Creepy. :)

rachel said...

No, it was actually just a box with a hole in the bottom. yeah, that does sound creepy, huh???

Christy said...

I love comments too! It brightens my day when I know someone reads my blog other than me!! :) Thanks for always commenting on mine!